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Welcome to The Confidence Therapist!

My big passion in life is to help overcome injustice. I should have been a human rights lawyer! Instead, any time we fail to show up and speak up, the world is poorer for it. You are great and you matter. You just need to show the world what you can do.

So, join me as I help ordinary people lead extraordinary lives by fulfilling their potential. Now that's what I call justice.

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Five Ways to Relax for Meetings

You're capable, very capable. You just don't always believe it.

But if there was a way to use short, simple techniques that have been relied on for years by top performers, to keep yourself grounded and calm, would you be interested?

That's precisely what I'm offering - tried and trusted exercises from the world of NLP that are geared to keeping you in your ideal self .... in that moment when you need to be.

Now is the right time - you've put up with struggling for too long.

Finally, as a 'thank you' for completing this short course, I'll send you a complimentary copy of my guide I've written on 7 Steps to Boost your Self-Esteem. This guide contains proven, evidence-based factors that if implemented, will go a long way to boosting how you feel about yourself.

Looking forward to seeing a different, happier you!

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